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All IPs > Wireless Communication > Bluetooth > Waves Bluetooth Platforms

Waves Bluetooth Platforms

From Ceva, Inc.


The Waves Bluetooth Platforms from Ceva encapsulate a complete suite of embedded Bluetooth connectivity IPs designed to facilitate efficient short-range wireless communication in a variety of consumer and industrial applications. This platform is built to support high-quality audio streaming, voice commands, and data visualization, essential for modern gadgets like wearables, headphones, and smart home devices.

Engineered for flexibility, the Bluetooth Platforms support both classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), ensuring broad compatibility with existing Bluetooth technologies. These platforms are optimized for power efficiency, making them well-suited for applications requiring minimized energy consumption, such as battery-operated IoT devices.

These platforms include pre-certified software stacks and reference designs, expediting product development and reducing time to market. The inherent adaptability of the platforms allows for seamless integration in various systems, providing reliable connectivity while maintaining a compact form factor ideal for space-constrained devices.

  • Classic and BLE support
  • High-quality audio streaming
  • Energy efficiency
Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > Bluetooth
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Wearables
  • Headphones
  • Smart Home Devices
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