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All IPs > Multimedia > H.265 > WAVE6


From Chips&Media


The WAVE6 IP from Chips&Media is a powerful multi-standard video codec solution, known for its support for the AV1 video encoding standard. It excels in maintaining high video quality while reducing bandwidth usage, thanks to its innovative frame buffer compression techniques. The architecture of WAVE6 is streamlined for efficiency, featuring a single-clock domain that enhances its power performance by optimizing clock gating. With its extensive capabilities, WAVE6 is suited for a variety of applications, including data centers, surveillance systems, and set-top boxes, where high performance at minimal power consumption is essential. WAVE6 delivers remarkable video throughput, handling 4K at 240 frames per second and 8K at 60 frames per second, making it ideal for high-resolution video applications. It supports diverse video standards including HEVC, AVC, and VP9, with versatility in video interfaces and formats. Its dual-core design offers twice the performance potential, allowing it to cater to demanding environments that require high video quality and performance efficiency.

  • AV1 encoding
  • Frame buffer compression
  • Power efficiency
  • Multi-instances
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > H.265
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Data center
  • Surveillance camera
  • Set-top box
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