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All IPs > Multimedia > H.264 > WAVE5


From Chips&Media


Chips&Media's WAVE5 IP is a comprehensive video codec solution built for multi-standard video processing, including HEVC and AVC. Known for its mature technology, WAVE5 delivers industry-leading performance with its dual-core architecture, effectively doubling throughput and efficiency. This codec IP is a robust solution for high-performance environments, capable of processing up to 8K resolution at 60fps, or 4K at 240fps. WAVE5 is perfectly adapted for data centers and media infrastructure, supporting a wide range of video formats and providing seamless integration with system interfaces. It includes advanced features like frame buffer compression and color space conversion, which collectively enhance its application in varied multimedia scenarios.

  • Dual-core performance
  • Frame buffer compression
  • Color space conversion
  • Multi-instances
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > H.264
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive
  • Home entertainment
  • Surveillance
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