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VoSPI Rx for FLIR Lepton IR Sensor

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The VoSPI Rx for FLIR Lepton IR Sensor is an innovative IP solution crafted for infrared (IR) imaging applications. This IP core, optimized for the Xilinx-7 platform, is designed to decode video over SPI (VoSPI) streams from FLIR's Lepton IR sensors, representing a critical asset in thermal imaging systems.

Its ability to seamlessly manage IR data streams allows for real-time thermal imaging, making it indispensable in applications where heat analysis and temperature monitoring are crucial. These applications are diverse, ranging from automotive and aerospace to industrial maintenance and environmental monitoring, where precision and quick data update rates are critical.

This IP core enhances system capabilities by enabling integration with advanced processing units, facilitating detailed analysis and visualization of thermal data. As a result, it enhances the effectiveness of thermal imaging systems, contributing to safer and more efficient monitoring solutions.

  • Real-time thermal imaging
  • Seamless IR data streaming
  • High precision thermal analysis
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Sensor
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Automotive thermal systems
  • Industrial maintenance
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