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From Inicore Inc.


Inicore's VMESCmodule2 is an advanced VME System Controller core engineered for seamless integration within FPGA and ASIC designs. This versatile core demonstrates compatibility with diverse address and data types across the VME ecosystem, ensuring comprehensive bus interfacing and communication.

The controller incorporates VME to AXI bus bridging capabilities, supporting eight master and slave address windows that facilitate dynamic memory mapping. With functionalities like a bus timer and arbiter, the core simplifies complex VME systems while ensuring robust management for tasks across prioritized and round-robin arbitration schemes.

Offering both a synchronous local AXI4 interface and additional AXI4-lite ports for dedicated configuration space access, VMESCmodule2 addresses complex VME system demands efficiently. The complete functionality combined with optional 2eSST support makes it an ideal solution for future-proof VME designs, thereby enhancing system control and data handling in high-demand environments.

  • VME to AXI Bridge
  • 8 Master/Slave Windows
  • SYSCLOCK Driver
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > VME Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-Performance Computing
  • Industrial Automation
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