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Veyron V2 CPU

From Ventana Micro Systems Inc.


Veyron V2 CPU builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessor, enhancing capabilities to meet the demands of next-generation data environments. It offers improved processing speeds and efficiency, positioning it as a frontrunner for computing tasks requiring robustness and speed. Veyron V2 provides a modular design that supports various configurations, ensuring it meets specific client needs effectively. It maintains the impressive energy management features seen in the V1, enabling data centers to sustain high workloads while managing power consumption effectively, making it not only a powerful chip but also a cost-effective one. This makes Veyron V2 suitable for enterprises looking to upgrade their data processing capabilities while keeping operational costs manageable.

  • Enhanced processing
  • Modular design
  • Improved energy management
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Next-generation data environments
  • Enterprise solutions
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