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Veyron V1 CPU

From Ventana Micro Systems Inc.


Veyron V1 CPU is designed to handle a broad spectrum of data center workloads with competitive efficiency and performance. This RISC-V architecture showcases a blend of power and adaptability, making it suitable for high-intensity computing environments. The focus is on delivering top-tier processing capabilities without compromising on energy efficiency, making it ideal for modern data centers. Furthermore, Veyron V1 integrates seamlessly with other systems, enabling smooth data flow and process handling, which contributes to reduced operational costs and increased throughput. The architecture supports various interfaces, enhancing compatibility and extending its utility across diverse applications.

  • Competitive performance
  • Energy efficiency
  • Seamless integration
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Data centers
  • High-intensity computing
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