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All IPs > Multimedia > 2D / 3D > VESA Display Stream Compression (DSC) IP Core

VESA Display Stream Compression (DSC) IP Core

From Bitec


This IP core provides effective and lossless real-time video compression, ensuring high-quality video stream transmission with reduced bandwidth usage. By implementing VESA's Display Stream Compression protocols, it achieves visually lossless compression, making it especially valuable in applications where display bandwidth is limited.

The DSC IP core is perfectly suited for devices requiring high-definition display outputs without the associated bandwidth constraints, such as laptops, smartphones, and monitors. It maintains excellent image quality while significantly reducing the transmission load. The core is flexible and can be adjusted to meet specific performance requirements, making it adaptable to a range of display technologies.

This technology is crucial for applications where space and power are at a premium, providing a cost-effective and efficient solution. By compressing video streams seamlessly, it not only enhances performance but also contributes to energy savings, thus extending the battery life of portable devices.

  • Visually lossless compression
  • Real-time operation
  • Adaptive performance optimization
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > 2D / 3D
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Laptops and monitors
  • Portable devices
  • Professional displays
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