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Verification IP

From Truechip Solutions


Truechip offers an extensive range of Verification IPs (VIPs) that streamline the verification process for components interfacing with industry-standard protocols. The VIPs are engineered to be fully compliant with specifications, with a plug-and-play feature that reduces the design cycle time. These high-quality IPs incorporate elements such as Coverage, Assertions, BFMs, Monitors, Scoreboard, and Test Cases, providing robust error-injection scenarios ensuring exhaustive stress testing of devices under test (DUTs).

The architecture of Truechip's VIPs is rooted in native SystemVerilog, optimized for efficient resource use. The IPs are highly configurable, allowing users complete control over functionality to suit their specific needs. Additionally, they come with comprehensive user documentation and support for formal and dynamic verification methods, including emulation.

Truechip's VIPs are designed to work with leading dynamic and formal verification simulators, offering extensive compatibility across platforms, with specialized support for emulation and acceleration techniques. They also provide an intuitive debugging interface with the TruEYE GUI, enhancing the ease of integration and verification cycle time.

  • Coverage
  • Assertions
  • BFMs
  • Monitors
  • Scoreboard
  • Test Cases
  • Error injection
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • ASIC
  • FPGA
  • SoC
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