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Vehicle Engineering & Design Solutions

From KPIT Technologies


KPIT's vehicle engineering and design solutions encompass a comprehensive range of services that integrate traditional engineering principles with advanced technologies. This approach is designed to accelerate the development of next-generation vehicles by harnessing innovations in AI, simulation, and digital twins.
Their offerings touch every aspect of vehicle development, from concept to completion, including integrated electrification solutions, and AI-driven CAE simulations. By employing digital twin technology and advanced CAD services, KPIT empowers automakers to optimize vehicle design processes, boosting efficiency and performance.
The company provides full-spectrum engineering services that include new product design, value engineering, and virtual validation. These services ensure concepts transform into market-ready vehicles, maintaining high standards in both aesthetic and functional aspects of design.
KPIT's expertise in classical mechanical engineering, conceptualized through a modern lens with smart harness solutions, facilitates the development of intelligent systems that align with the evolving needs of the automotive landscape. This synergy of classical and innovative methods showcases KPIT's comprehensive capabilities in leading engineering solutions.

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Category Memory & Logic Library > Standard cell
Availability All Countries & Regions
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