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v-MP4000UDX Visual Processing Unit

From videantis GmbH


The v-MP4000UDX Visual Processing Unit is designed to deliver unparalleled performance for a range of visual computing tasks. This IP core integrates advanced multi-core technology to offer highly efficient and scalable processing for complex video and vision applications. Known for its power efficiency, the v-MP4000UDX is well suited for applications in automotive, mobile devices, and consumer electronics.

With support for Full HD and Ultra HD resolutions, the v-MP4000UDX meets the high standards required for modern visual experiences. It is equipped with the latest video compression and decompression algorithms enabling smooth and high-quality playback and recording. This makes it an ideal choice for enhancing the multimedia capabilities of high-end devices.

Furthermore, the v-MP4000UDX is designed to be flexible and easily integrable with existing systems. It supports a range of software environments, ensuring that developers can employ their preferred programming tools and languages. This adaptability makes the v-MP4000UDX an appealing option for companies looking to broaden their technological capabilities.

  • Multi-core technology
  • Video compression and decompression support
  • Full HD and Ultra HD resolutions
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Vision Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive
  • Mobile devices
  • Consumer electronics
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