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V-By-One HS

From Silicon Library Inc.


The V-By-One HS IP core delivers high-speed transmission suitable for large-panel displays such as televisions and monitors. It’s specifically engineered to manage large-scale data transfers in high-resolution environments where traditional interfaces fall short, enabling higher performance without increased wiring complexity.\n\nPrimarily used in consumer electronics demanding expansive data bandwidth, its efficient design reduces EMI, offering a seamless viewing experience without signal degradation. This is vital for manufacturers aiming to provide cutting-edge display technologies without sacrificing picture quality or exhibiting lag.\n\nV-By-One HS is also known for being power-efficient, aiding in reducing overall power consumption while maintaining maximum operational capabilities. Its innovation facilitates not only higher resolution outputs but ensures stable signal delivery, supporting growing industry demands for advanced visual outputs in large-scale display frameworks.

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Category Interface Controller & PHY > V-by-One
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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