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USB2.0 Host controller

From MosChip Technologies Limited


MosChip's USB2.0 Host controller is meticulously designed for high-speed communications, interfacing between USB ports and a system's microprocessor. It complies with the EHCI and OHCI specifications, catering to diverse speed devices attached to the root port. This IP supports advanced Link Power Management features and provides flexible connectivity solutions in any data management system.

By facilitating quick data transfers, the Host Controller becomes indispensable for systems requiring efficient management of multiple peripherals. The capability to interface with various system buses through a VCI interface ensures high adaptability and integration ease. Notably, its parallel operation with USB2.0 enables expansive device connectivity and streamlined control procedures.

The implementation of a comprehensive power management system accentuates its proficiency in managing system resources effectively, minimizing power consumption while maintaining superior performance standards. Across different industries, this USB Host Controller remains a fundamental element for technology solutions needing reliable and versatile peripheral management.

  • EHCI/OHCI Compliance
  • Multiple Speed Support
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 40nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Peripheral Control
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