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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > USB > USB PHY


From Silicon Library Inc.


The USB PHY offered is designed to ensure seamless integration for USB interface connections, particularly excelling at high-speed data transfers. Capable of handling the USB 2.0 standards, it facilitates robust data processing, making it a preferred choice for devices requiring reliable USB connectivity. The architecture is optimized to reduce latency while boosting data throughput, ensuring faster and more efficient communication between devices.\n\nThis IP core can be implemented in various consumer electronics, from personal computing devices to portable storage units, where consistent and high-speed USB operations are critical. It’s designed to seamlessly integrate into existing systems, minimizing engineering overhead and maximizing performance outcomes. It achieves this by offering low EMI emissions alongside high accuracy in data conversion processes.\n\nThe USB PHY also ensures compliance with industry protocols, providing advanced functionalities like high-power efficiency and flexibility in accommodating different supply voltages. This IP core is crucial for devices that demand extensive data transfer capacities without compromising on power consumption or connectivity reliability.

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Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Availability All Countries & Regions
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