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Up to 400G Ethernet Chiplet

From YorChip


YorChip's 400G Ethernet Chiplet stands out as a high-performance connectivity solution designed to meet the stringent demands of modern telecommunication infrastructures. This chiplet features exceptionally fast data transfer rates, ensuring that even the most bandwidth-intensive applications can operate without bottlenecking.

Its sophisticated design and high level of integration make it a critical component for deploying next-gen network solutions, especially in data centers requiring robust, high-speed connections. The 400G Ethernet Chiplet's support for such rapid data transmission enables service providers to maintain optimal speeds within expanding network infrastructures.

With its focus on reliability and efficiency, the Ethernet Chiplet from YorChip is suitable for applications in high-scale server environments and telecom facilities. Its robust architecture not only promises excellent performance metrics but aligns with ongoing advancements in network technology, thereby future-proofing installations that incorporate this leading-edge solution.

  • Ultra-high bandwidth
  • Advanced integration
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Telecommunications
  • Data centers
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