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From Cortus SAS


The ULYSS MCU family by Cortus represents a sophisticated range of 32-bit and 64-bit RISC-V automotive SoC solutions. Engineered to meet the demands of automotive applications, these microcontrollers cover a spectrum of vehicle functionalities from body control to ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems). With solutions like the ULYSS 1 focusing on body control, running a single-core CPU up to 120 MHz, and other variants like ULYSS 3 with quad-core MPUs capable of 1.5 GHz for networking and ADAS applications, the ULYSS family is aptly equipped for modern vehicular computing requirements.

Cortus has meticulously developed the ULYSS series to ensure high-performance capabilities combined with cost-effective production, aligning with the intense demands of automotive manufacturers. Whether it's powertrain management, safety features, or network interfacing, this family of MCUs delivers the speed and processing power necessary to tackle today's complex automotive challenges without compromising on energy efficiency.

With the ULYSS series, automotive developers have the flexibility to tailor solutions that meet specific vehicle designs, supported by Cortus's extensive intellectual property portfolio. The combination of innovative RISC-V architecture and affordable performance ensures these MCUs are optimal for integrating advanced tech features in both present and forthcoming automotive models.

  • RISC-V 32-bit/64-bit
  • Body control
  • ADAS compatibility
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive body control
  • Powertrain management
  • Advanced safety features
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