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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Ethernet > Ultra-Low Latency 10G Ethernet MAC

Ultra-Low Latency 10G Ethernet MAC

From Chevin Technology


The Ultra-Low Latency 10G Ethernet MAC IP core is designed for applications that require minimal delay in data transmission. With a focus on reducing latency, this core leverages a streamlined architecture that prioritizes speed and efficiency.

Ideal for high-frequency trading and other time-sensitive applications, the core delivers unmatched performance with its cutting-edge design. It supports full compatibility with IEEE standards, ensuring reliable operation across a range of devices. Its low power usage makes it suitable for industries where energy efficiency and sustainability are key considerations.

The core's design facilitates ease of integration into existing systems, offering extensive documentation and user-friendly interfaces. This makes it easier for engineers to incorporate into projects without extensive retooling or adjustments, thus saving time and resources during the development process.

  • ultra-low latency
  • high-frequency trading support
  • energy-efficient design
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • high-frequency trading
  • real-time data processing
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