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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > VESA > Ultra-High Throughput VESA DSC 1.2b Encoder

Ultra-High Throughput VESA DSC 1.2b Encoder

From Alma Technologies


The UHT-DSC-E core elevates video signal compression with compliance to the VESA DSC 1.2b standard, ensuring high-quality, low-latency video transmission. This IP core is tuned to provide visually lossless compression, making it suitable for next-generation display technologies, from mobile screens to ultra-high-definition televisions. Designed with Alma Technologies' signature robustness, the UHT-DSC-E fills a critical role in delivering seamless video and image scaling across a diverse array of consumer and professional devices. As the demand for higher resolution displays escalates, the encoder handles the complexities of adaptive data rate and robust encoding, implementing parallel processing strategies that optimize performance without expanding the silicon footprint. It integrates effortlessly into existing infrastructures due to its stand-alone operation and supports a wide variety of input configurations, making it highly versatile in application.

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Category Interface Controller & PHY > VESA
Availability All Countries & Regions
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