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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > VESA > Ultra-High Throughput VESA DSC 1.2b Decoder

Ultra-High Throughput VESA DSC 1.2b Decoder

From Alma Technologies


The UHT-DSC-D core complements its encoder counterpart by efficiently handling data streams encoded using VESA DSC 1.2b specifications. Its robust architecture ensures consistent, high-performance decoding suitable for high-definition video applications. Designed to provide seamless integration into a wide array of digital video systems, it offers unmatched reliability in real-time video processing sectors such as broadcasting and digital cinema. With scalability and modularity at its helm, the UHT-DSC-D core adapts to various hardware configurations while maintaining high fidelity, full-spectrum video decoding. By incorporating low-latency processing techniques, it meets the rigorous demands of modern digital video applications and stands as a beacon of Alma Technologies' dedication to advanced technology solutions.

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Category Interface Controller & PHY > VESA
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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