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All IPs > Multimedia > JPEG 2000 > Ultra-High Throughput JPEG-LS Encoder

Ultra-High Throughput JPEG-LS Encoder

From Alma Technologies


The UHT-JPEGLS-E core from Alma Technologies provides cutting-edge solutions for lossless and near-lossless image compression. Leveraging the JPEG-LS compression protocol, it offers a significant advantage in applications that need to preserve image quality without compromise, making it an ideal choice for sectors like scientific research and medical diagnostics. The UHT-JPEGLS-E employs a sophisticated low-complexity-lost-compression (LOCO-I) algorithm, which optimizes encoding by eliminating prediction errors without storing redundant data. Through this advanced methodology, the core maintains high-throughput performance, adaptable to various silicon implementations. Its encoder architecture is designed to uphold efficiency, even when processing high complexity, large-scale datasets. It supports diverse image formats and sizes, ranging from standard resolutions to UHD formats, ensuring it meets the stringent demands of contemporary digital environments.

Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > JPEG 2000
Availability All Countries & Regions
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