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All IPs > Multimedia > JPEG 2000 > Ultra-High Throughput JPEG 2000 Encoder

Ultra-High Throughput JPEG 2000 Encoder

From Alma Technologies


Alma Technologies' UHT-JPEG2K-E core is a pinnacle of efficient compression, providing both lossless and lossy image encoding for JPEG 2000 standards. Initially released in 2002, this scalable IP core has evolved to become a market leader, largely due to ongoing innovations aligned with customer feedback. Designed to support high-fidelity image compression, it excels in contexts requiring pristine quality and data manageability, making it especially suited for telecommunications and medical imaging. The UHT-JPEG2K-E core deploys multiple engines to balance load and speed, ensuring high efficiency. By splitting input images into segments processed by parallel engines, it maintains throughput without significant resource multiplication. Furthermore, it integrates advanced rate control methods for consistent quality and efficient data reduction, a feature crucial in bandwidth-sensitive applications. This capability extends to various implementations, demonstrating Alma Technologies’ commitment to advancing scalable solutions that integrate seamlessly with modern digital processing ecosystems.

Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > JPEG 2000
Availability All Countries & Regions
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