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All IPs > Multimedia > Image Conversion > Ultra-High Throughput Image Scaler

Ultra-High Throughput Image Scaler

From Alma Technologies


Addressing the needs of advanced image processing, the UHT-SCALER IP core transforms input images to different resolutions and formats, optimizing them for diverse playback scenarios. Ideal for multimedia and broadcast systems that handle varying image sizes, it ensures seamless operations by supporting multiple genres of high-resolution and standard-definition streams. The UHT-SCALER can handle extensive bit depths and multiple chroma formats, utilizing configurable scaling techniques such as bilinear, bicubic, and Lanczos methods to provide tailored, high-quality image outputs. Its robust architecture facilitates smooth tuning and high operational efficiency, enabling it to handle high-volume data transformations with ease. Alma Technologies’ dedication to engineering excellence ensures the core integrates smoothly across a breadth of systems, enhancing the adaptability and quality of visual content.

Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > Image Conversion
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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