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All IPs > Multimedia > H.264 > Ultra-High Throughput H.264 Encoder - Light Motion Estimation

Ultra-High Throughput H.264 Encoder - Light Motion Estimation

From Alma Technologies


The UHT-H264E-LME IP core focuses on providing high throughput encoding with a lean silicon footprint, suitable for environments where area utilization is critical. Its light motion estimation feature reduces the computing burden without a significant sacrifice in video output quality, making it particularly adept for applications where motion complexity is moderate, such as web streaming and corporate presentations. By maximizing coding efficiency, it supports 4K and 8K resolutions while minimizing required processing power. Alma Technologies’ design philosophy emphasizes performance versatility, allowing adaptation to a range of hardware conditions and operating environments. The UHT-H264E-LME combines innovative motion estimation techniques and scalable parallel processing to reduce latency and better manage data flows in modern, data-intensive video tasks.

Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > H.264
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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