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All IPs > Multimedia > H.264 > Ultra-High Throughput H.264 Encoder - Intra Frames

Ultra-High Throughput H.264 Encoder - Intra Frames

From Alma Technologies


Focused on high-quality video encoding, the UHT-H264E-IDR brings optimal compression efficiency into high-definition (HD) and ultra-high-definition (UHD) video applications. Its design caters to broadcasting and content creation fields where consistent performance and superior video quality are mandatory. By leveraging intra-frame coding, the UHT-H264E-IDR provides the ideal balance between compression and image quality, making it essential for video processing environments that require low latency and high throughput. It incorporates advanced predictive algorithms and supports 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 chroma configurations, catering to diverse video encoding demands. The UHT-H264E-IDR's comprehensive scalability ensures that it can be tailored to various computational capabilities, from consumer electronics to professional audio-visual production, maintaining efficient operations with reduced resource demands.

Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > H.264
Availability All Countries & Regions
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