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All IPs > Multimedia > H.264 > Ultra-High Throughput H.264 Encoder - Full Motion Estimation

Ultra-High Throughput H.264 Encoder - Full Motion Estimation

From Alma Technologies


For applications demanding comprehensive motion analysis, the UHT-H264E-FME incorporates full motion estimation to achieve top-tier video encoding efficiency. This capability is crucial for advanced video compression environments such as surveillance and live event streaming that rely on quality video with minimal bandwidth usage. By using sophisticated search and prediction algorithms, the UHT-H264E-FME ensures optimal video quality without excessive data sizes. This IP core supports chroma formats including 4:2:0 and 4:2:2, while its scalable architecture adapts seamlessly across various digital media landscapes, from mainstream productions to internet protocol television. Continuing Alma Technologies' tradition of power-optimized computation, it provides high-output performance complemented by resource economy, underlining its value in both high-end and cost-conscious applications.

Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > H.264
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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