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All IPs > Multimedia > JPEG > Ultra-High Throughput 8/10/12-bit JPEG Encoder

Ultra-High Throughput 8/10/12-bit JPEG Encoder

From Alma Technologies


The UHT-JPEG-E core from Alma Technologies offers a versatile solution for real-time image compression needs. This high-performance JPEG encoder core is engineered to handle various color depths and sampling formats, providing encoding capabilities for 8, 10, and 12 bits per component. Such flexibility makes it an excellent choice for applications ranging from consumer electronics to specialized imaging equipment where throughput and quality are paramount. With its fully configurable architecture, the UHT-JPEG-E can efficiently manage massive data rates without compromising image integrity. It supports the ITU T.81 JPEG standard and is equipped to handle 4:4:4, 4:2:2, and 4:2:0 chroma sampling formats. This adaptability ensures it can be integrated into numerous digital image processing tasks, from still image compression to real-time video encoding. Moreover, its scalable design allows it to meet diverse processing demands by adjusting its internal engine configuration. This capability gives it the power to sustain high encoding throughputs, tailored to fit the specific needs of various computing environments, including low-end FPGAs and ASICs.

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Category Multimedia > JPEG
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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