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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > NVM Express > UFS 4.0 Host IP

UFS 4.0 Host IP

From Arasan Chip Systems, Inc.


The UFS 4.0 Host IP from Arasan is a powerful storage interface solution that provides unprecedented data transfer speeds for electronics, notably achieving up to 46.4 Gbps per lane. This technology dramatically improves upon its predecessors, offering enhanced performance and better power efficiency making it ideal for next-generation mobile and automotive applications. It supports sophisticated error correction and wear leveling techniques to ensure data integrity over extended usage periods in diverse operational environments.

  • Data transfer speeds up to 46.4 Gbps
  • Supports power-saving modes
  • Advanced error correction
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > NVM Express
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Mobile devices
  • Automotive systems
  • IoT devices
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