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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Receiver/Transmitter > UARTmodule


From Inicore Inc.


Inicore's UARTmodule is a universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter designed for efficient data communication over the RS232 protocol, a staple in interfacing peripheral devices to central controllers in an array of applications. The core stands out with its configurable receive buffers, granting greater control over implementation specifics, hence optimizing gate utilization.

The UARTmodule encompasses a novel baudrate generator that ensures impressively accurate clock generation across a wide range of frequencies, enhancing data transmission integrity. With an 8 MHz system reference clock, the module achieves exceptional baudrate precision up to 115.2 kbps, minimizing risks associated with timing discrepancies, making it adaptable for various communication settings.

Supporting multiple data frame formats and buffering configurations, the UARTmodule is adept at processing with efficient bus architecture facilitated by an AMBA APB interface. Its comprehensive features ensure compatibility and easy integration into FPGA and ASIC systems, while supporting diagnostic modes such as loopback configurations critical for debugging complex data flows.

  • Flexible Baudrate Generator
  • Error Detection
  • Configurable RxFIFO
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Receiver/Transmitter
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Peripheral Device Communication
  • Industrial Control Systems
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