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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > USB > U9 Flash Memory Controller

U9 Flash Memory Controller

From Hyperstone GmbH


The U9 is a USB 3.1 controller that has been meticulously constructed to meet the exacting requirements of industrial applications. It brings with it hyReliability™ flash management, a flexible ECC engine, and a powerful AES encryption feature, all encapsulated within an optimized 32-bit RISC core. The versatile controller continuously updates its flash memory chip support to ensure its applicability for emerging storage necessities, also featuring GPIOs for customized applications using interfaces like SPI and I2C. Its design includes temperature sensing capabilities and offers a turnkey solution package, streamlining the integration into complex systems.

  • USB 3.1 interface
  • Flexible ECC
  • AES encryption
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • eUSB modules
  • Industrial USB flash drives
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