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TwinBit Gen-2

From NSCore


TwinBit Gen-2 brings an evolution to the TwinBit family by extending support to finer process nodes from 40nm to 22nm, promoting energy-efficient and reliable non-volatile memory technology. Its groundbreaking Pch Schottky Non-Volatile Memory Cell introduces ultra-low-power operation capabilities for advanced systems. Like its predecessor, TwinBit Gen-2 negates the need for additional masks and steps, enhancing ease of integration in the latest CMOS processes.

The new Pch Schottky cell handles program and erase efficiently via controlled biasing mechanisms. The advanced features include handling hot carrier injection appropriately for improved memory operations. From program storage and analog trimming to challenging security applications, TwinBit Gen-2 covers a significant span of automotive and high-tech applications.

Overall, TwinBit Gen-2 excels in maintaining the integrity and efficiency required for high-performance systems. The hot-carrier management and absence of elaborate masking procedures result in cost-effective and compact design strategies, considerably enhancing the value proposition for electronics manufacturers seeking non-volatile memory IP solutions today.

  • Ultra-low-power operations
  • Pch Schottky Non-Volatile Memory Cell
  • No additional mask required
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Program storage
  • Analog trimming
  • Security applications
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