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All IPs > Security IP > Cryptography Cores > True Random Number Generator (TRNG)

True Random Number Generator (TRNG)

From Tiempo Secure


The True Random Number Generator (TRNG) IP by Tiempo Secure is a cornerstone for cryptographic applications, providing a digital source of randomness crucial for secure operations. Designed specifically for System on Chip (SoC) applications, TRNG ensures that cryptoprocesses such as key generation and encryption are rooted in true randomness. Meeting stringent standards, it complies with NIST-800-22, NIST-800-90B, and AIS31, establishing its credibility and robustness in ensuring data security.

True randomness is vital for secure device operation, and TRNG provides this by offering a foundation for tasks such as digital signatures, key exchange, and secure communication protocols. Its compatibility with APB and AXI buses enhances its integration potential, allowing seamless incorporation into various existing systems. The extensive validation under FIPS-140-3 certification further underscores the reliability and trustworthiness of this security solution.

Moreover, the TRNG is engineered to fit easily into secure protocol implementations, catering to needs in IPsec, MACsec, TLS/SSL, and more. By ensuring random number generation maintains high integrity, it supports not just current encryption methods but is also adaptable for future use cases, promising longevity in its application across evolving technological landscapes.

  • NIST-800 Compliance
  • FIPS-140-3 Validation
  • APB and AXI Bus Support
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Key Generation
  • MACsec
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