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All IPs > Security IP > Cryptography Cores > True Random Number Generator

True Random Number Generator

From Tiempo Secure


Tiempo Secure's True Random Number Generator (TRNG) is a critical component in the realm of secure device operations, providing an unpredictable source for cryptographic protocols. Such true randomness is foundational in developing secure communication and data protection strategies. This TRNG stands out because of its thorough compliance with various stringent standards, including those from NIST and AIS, resulting in sound security support for various SoC applications.

In systems where security is paramount, the role of a TRNG extends to generating secure keys, random nonces for secure exchanges, and random data for digital signatures. The inclusion of raw data access and comprehensive health tests, compliant with SP800-90b, FIPS140-3, and AIS31, ensures the highest levels of reliability and security for sensitive operations.

This IP includes integration options for standard bus protocols like APB and AXI, making it adaptable to a range of system-on-chip architectures. The TRNG is thus not only a standalone solution but a seamless integrating component which elevates the overall security fidelity of cryptographic systems, offering robust random number generation that aligns with both current and emerging digital security needs.

  • SP800-90b and FIPS140-3 Compliant
  • APB and AXI Bus Integration
  • Random Nonce and Key Generation
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Secure Communications
  • Cryptographic Key Generation
  • Digital Security
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