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Toggle MRAM Technology

From Everspin Technologies


Toggle MRAM is Everspin's flagship non-volatile memory technology, characterized by its high density and reliability. It uses a single transistor and a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) cell structure to maintain data even without power for up to 20 years at standard temperatures. The unique design allows for fast data access and secure storage, making it ideal for "instant-on" and power loss protection applications across various electronic systems.

The core structure of Toggle MRAM involves a one-transistor, one-MTJ cell that relies on magnetic field manipulation through a patented design to read and write data. This setup minimizes resistance disparity through electron spin-tunneling, featuring low resistance when the magnetic moments of key layers align parallelly and higher resistance when they are antiparallel. This creates a robust system that delivers SRAM speed with flash non-volatility.

Everspin's Toggle MRAM is perfectly suited for applications across broad sectors such as aerospace, automotive, and Internet of Things (IoT). Its low latency and high endurance make it a preferred choice where data integrity is essential, offering a competitive edge in a world where reliable memory is critical to operational success.

  • High density
  • Non-volatile
  • Unlimited endurance
Tech Specs
Category Memory & Logic Library > Embedded Memories
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Instant-on systems
  • Power loss protection
  • Embedded solutions
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