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TimbreAI T3

From Expedera


Expedera's TimbreAI T3 is an ultra-low power AI inference engine specifically for audio noise reduction in power-constrained devices such as wireless headsets. Capable of 3.2 GOPS, this core consumes less than 300 micro-watts, making it especially suitable for audio applications where power efficiency is crucial.

The T3's design ensures minimal external memory needs, resulting in reduced power consumption and silicon area, which is critical for portable devices that demand extended battery life. Implemented as soft IP, the TimbreAI is easily adaptable to different silicon processes, allowing for quick deployment across a range of smart audio devices.

Optimized for audio neural networks, it offers seamless integration without requiring changes to pre-trained models, retaining their utmost accuracy and performance. TimbreAI T3 ensures that AI processing is executed with minimal power while maintaining the functionality and quality users expect from high-end audio systems.

  • 3.2 GOPS performance at <300µW
  • Runs audio neural networks
  • No need for hardware or software optimizations
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Audio Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 40nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Audio Noise Reduction
  • Wireless Headsets
  • Wearables
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