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All IPs > Multimedia > H.264 > TicoXS (JPEG XS) FPGA/ASIC IP Cores


From intoPIX


TicoXS is a state-of-the-art compression technology that adheres to the JPEG XS standard, designed for ultra-low latency operations with lossless quality. It is especially optimized for FPGA and ASIC implementations, ensuring minimal resource usage while maintaining high-performance video encoding and decoding. The IP cores support a broad range of resolutions from HD up to 10K and offer compatibility with various color spaces like RGB and YCbCr. TicoXS provides adjustable compression ratios, catering to both visually lossless and mathematically lossless needs, making it perfect for real-time video applications where latency is critical.

  • Ultra Low Latency
  • Adjustable Compression Ratios
  • Supports HD to 10K Resolutions
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > H.264
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Live Video Production
  • Real-time Monitoring
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