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Thermal Oxide Processing

From NanoSILICON, Inc.


Infused with innovation, Thermal Oxide Processing is a cornerstone of semiconductor device production at NanoSILICON, Inc. Specializing in both wet and dry thermal oxidation, the company enhances silicon wafers with a silicon dioxide layer, which is vital as an insulator in microelectronic devices. Their processes utilize ultra-high purity sources of steam and oxygen, ensuring films with outstanding density and breakdown voltage.

The oxidation furnaces, ranging in temperature from 800°C to 1050°C, provide consistent oxide growth with precise control over thickness and uniformity. The company's measurement techniques are notably advanced, involving white light reflection combined with spectrometer data to fine-tune optical parameters, thus ensuring a superior fit and film thickness accuracy across the wafer.

By supporting wafer sizes from 50.8mm to 300mm in various materials like Silicon on Insulator and Quartz, NanoSILICON's thermal oxide capabilities cater to diverse semiconductor fabrication needs. Their proficiency in managing film stress and refractive index further demonstrates their expertise in delivering tailored silicon processing solutions.

  • Wet and dry thermal oxide processing
  • High purity steam and oxygen sources
  • Batch thickness uniformity ±5%
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Analog Subsystems
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Semiconductor device manufacturing
  • Microelectronic insulation
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