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TCP Offload Engine

From easics


The TCP Offload Engine (TOE) from easics is a comprehensive IP solution designed to offload the TCP/IP stack from a CPU onto hardware like FPGA or ASIC. This IP core enables efficient data handling and networking by managing TCP/IP processing directly in hardware, thereby liberating the CPU for pure application logic and improving overall system performance.

Targeted to high-bandwidth applications, the TOE supports both 1Gbit/s and 10Gbit/s configurations, catering to various industrial networking needs. It boasts support for Ethernet, IP packets, ICMP for pings, and ARP packets, with the 10Gbit/s version also compatible with pause frames. The modular design includes interfaces for industry-standard (X)GMII communication and adaptable FIFO configurations, allowing users to tailor memory usage per application.

This hardware-accelerated IP core significantly reduces latency and maximizes throughput, with the 10G TOE capable of achieving a round-trip time (RTT) as low as 1.3µs. Versatile application areas include industrial automation, machine vision systems, and real-time monitoring, addressing the need for high-performance data exchange and minimal system delays.

  • Offloads TCP/IP stack
  • High throughput
  • Low latency
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Industrial networking
  • Machine vision
  • Real-time monitoring
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