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System IP

From Ventana Micro Systems Inc.


Ventana's System IP is a suite of essential components designed to optimize the performance of the Veyron CPUs within RISC-V systems. The integration of these IP products ensures that the Veyron CPUs can achieve maximum throughput and efficiency. These components include high-performance I/O interfaces and memory management units that facilitate rapid data movement and resource allocation within the processor architecture. The System IP is engineered to work in synchrony with Veyron processors, simplifying the design and deployment of new systems. It provides the building blocks for creating tailored solutions that can leverage the high-performance capabilities inherent to Ventana’s CPU designs. System IP is integral for enterprises aiming to streamline operations with reduced latency and optimally managed resources.

  • Optimal performance integration
  • High-performance I/O interfaces
  • Streamlined deployment
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • RISC-V systems
  • Enterprise optimization
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