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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller > SuperRAM


From ZeroPoint Technologies


SuperRAM is an advanced hardware-based compression solution offering low-latency performance with outstanding power efficiency. Its design allows for unparalleled data processing speeds, crucial for maintaining optimum performance levels in data centers and reducing latency-induced bottlenecks. By delivering high-speed data compression capabilities, SuperRAM empowers organizations to handle increasing data demands swiftly and efficiently.

The high performance and energy-efficient nature of SuperRAM make it ideal for scenarios where speed and reliability are imperative. Whether dealing with expansive databases or real-time data processing applications, this IP ensures data throughput remains high while power consumption is kept to a minimum. This reduction in power use also helps organizations meet sustainability goals, leading to a more environmentally friendly data center setup.

In addition to its robust operational efficiencies, SuperRAM provides data centers with a flexible tool that accommodates changes in data management needs. Its design versatility supports the evolving demands of high-performance applications, providing a platform that can adapt to future technological innovations. With SuperRAM, data centers are well-positioned to handle any new computing challenges that may arise while keeping energy usage in check.

  • hardware accelerated compression
  • low latency
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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