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STD-Cell Library

From M31 Technology Corp.


The STD-Cell Library by M31 provides a versatile range of standard cell libraries essential for digital design, offering optimized solutions to enhance performance, power efficiency, and area utilization. It includes the High Density Standard Cell Library (HDSC) for cost-effective, dense integration, the General Purpose Standard Cell Library (GPSC) balancing various parameters for logic functions, and the High Speed Standard Cell Library (HSSC) aimed at critical path performance. These libraries are suitable for numerous applications, such as IoT, AI, and automotive industries. Capabilities like Engineering Change Order Library (ECO) allow for design adaptability, while power management kits (PMK) and low power optimization kits (LPKT) offer refined energy efficiency. These libraries support process nodes from 12nm to 180nm and are silicon-proven for reliable integration in diverse technological frameworks.

  • High Density Standard Cell
  • General Purpose Standard Cell
  • High Speed Standard Cell
  • Low Leakage Standard Cell
Tech Specs
Category Memory & Logic Library > Standard cell
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • IoT
  • AI
  • Automotive
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