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Standard Cell Libraries

From Silvaco


The Standard Cell Libraries are meticulously engineered to deliver optimized performance in power, area, and speed. Each library includes thousands of cells with customizable attributes for specific applications, balancing high speed and low power demands. These cells come with Power Management Kits to enhance performance and Engineering Change Order Kits to facilitate modifications late in the design phase.

These libraries support a range of process nodes including the GlobalFoundries 55nm and TSMC's N3P processes, which are known for their power efficiency. Notably, the N3P low voltage standard cell library operates between 0.45V to 0.75V, offering unmatched flexibility in managing power efficiency in high-performance System on Chip (SoC) designs.

The Standard Cell Libraries feature multi-bit and multi-height cells that boost routing density by reducing pin count, along with the inclusion of specialized cells for applications such as ALUs and multipliers. The libraries’ modularity enables keen customization in area, power, and speed, fitting a myriad of customer needs.

  • Power Management Kits
  • ECO Kits
  • Multi-Vt cells
  • Multiple track heights
  • High-performance cells
Tech Specs
Category Memory & Logic Library > Standard cell
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • SoC designs
  • ALUs
  • Multipliers
  • Low power designs
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