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Spin-transfer Torque MRAM (STT-MRAM)

From Everspin Technologies


Everspin's Spin-transfer Torque MRAM (STT-MRAM) introduces a breakthrough in non-volatile memory by using spin-transfer torque technology to manipulate magnetic states at the device's junction. This innovative approach minimizes switching energy and improves scalability, enabling higher-density memory solutions that cater to a broad range of applications.

The technology leverages a perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) for remarkable retention, density, and low power consumption. During write operations, a polarization current determines the direction of magnetic moments, translating into high and low resistance states that represent binary data. Everspin's STT-MRAM is engineered for performance, with products like their 1Gb device offering DDR4-like interface for data centers.

These innovations empower data center and enterprise storage applications, providing significant enhancements in durability and data consistency. The MRAM also extends into industrial IoT applications, supporting high-speed communication and wide temperature range operations, making STT-MRAM a beneficial choice for advanced memory workloads and system designs demanding high resilience.

  • High density
  • Low switching energy
  • Scalability
Tech Specs
Category Memory & Logic Library > Embedded Memories
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Data center storage
  • Enterprise systems
  • Industrial IoT
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