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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > Power Management > SPIDER


From Dolphin Design


The SPIDER Power Management IP platform is an advanced solution designed to streamline the creation of energy-efficient power networks for SoCs. SPIDER offers a comprehensive suite of voltage regulators, monitors, and power controllers that redefine the way energy is managed across circuits. Notably, it integrates an innovative controller generator which aids in optimizing energy distribution, and adds efficiency to the system's power functions.

This platform stands out for promoting energy efficiency as a central theme in IC design by addressing the needs for smart SoC architectures. With its turnkey approach, SPIDER accelerates time-to-market, achieving power network design, verification, and integration within a mere few weeks. Its design methodology ensures predictability and standardization, which are crucial in preventing silicon failures and enhancing design efficacy.

Furthermore, SPIDER supports a wide range of process nodes, allowing for personalized application configurations via a system-level power architecture utility. The platform's robust PMU design capabilities are key in adapting to diverse SoC complexities, making it the ideal choice for designers seeking maximal energy effectiveness and minimized design latency.

  • Advanced low power techniques
  • Customizable power architectures
  • Enhanced SoC compatibility
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Power Management
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Battery powered devices
  • IoT
  • Automotive
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