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Speedster7t FPGAs

From Achronix Semiconductor Corporation


The Speedster7t FPGA family is crafted for high-bandwidth tasks, tackling the usual restrictions seen in conventional FPGAs. Manufactured using the TSMC 7nm FinFET process, these FPGAs are equipped with a pioneering 2D network-on-chip architecture and a series of machine learning processors for optimal high-bandwidth performance and AI/ML workloads. They integrate interfaces for high-paced GDDR6 memory, 400G Ethernet, and PCI Express Gen5 ports. This 2D network-on-chip connects various interfaces to upward of 80 access points in the FPGA fabric, enabling ASIC-like performance, yet retaining complete programmability. The product encourages users to start with the VectorPath accelerator card which houses the Speedster7t FPGA. This family offers robust tools for applications such as 5G infrastructure, computational storage, and test and measurement.

  • 2D Network on Chip
  • High-speed interfaces
  • Machine learning processors
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Processor Cores
Foundry TSMC
Process Node 7nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • 5G Infrastructure
  • Computational Storage
  • AI/ML
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