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Speedcore Embedded FPGA IP

From Achronix Semiconductor Corporation


Speedcore embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP represents a notable advancement in integrating programmable logic into ASICs and SoCs. Unlike standalone FPGAs, eFPGA IP lets designers tailor the exact dimensions of logic, DSP, and memory needed for their applications, making it an ideal choice for areas like AI, ML, 5G wireless, and more. Speedcore eFPGA can significantly reduce system costs, power requirements, and board space while maintaining flexibility by embedding only the necessary features into production. This IP is programmable using the same Achronix Tool Suite employed for standalone FPGAs. The Speedcore design process is supported by comprehensive resources and guidance, ensuring efficient integration into various semiconductor projects.

  • Integration flexibility
  • Cost reduction
  • High-performance compute
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Processor Cores
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • AI
  • 5G wireless
  • Real-time processing
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