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Specialty IP

From Omni Design Technologies


Omni Design's Specialty IP encompasses a range of innovative solutions tailored for niche applications across advanced technological fields such as wireless communications, automotive technologies, and imaging systems. This series includes unique IP offerings like glitch detection, latch-up detection, and high-performance clock receiver solutions, all vital for enhancing the robustness and precision of complex circuitry. Additionally, it presents sophisticated voltage buffers and programable gain amplifiers which contribute to optimizing signal chains in dynamic operations. Advanced process nodes from 28nm to the latest FinFET technologies support these IPs, highlighting their adaptability and integration compatibility with cutting-edge design needs. These technologies play a crucial role in ensuring the scalability and sustainability of advanced systems, especially in high-performance communication landscapes which require heightened accuracy and efficiency across extensive operational bandwidths.

  • Supports glitch and latch-up detection
  • High-performance clock receivers
  • Innovative voltage buffer solutions
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Analog Subsystems
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Wireless communications
  • Automotive technologies
  • Imaging systems
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