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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > SATA > SMS SATA PHY IP


From Soft Mixed Signal Corporation


The Serial ATA (SATA) PHY IP from Soft Mixed Signal Corporation represents a robust solution for storage applications requiring high-efficiency data transfers. Designed to meet and exceed the Serial ATA specifications of Gen1 at 1.5Gbps and Gen2 at 3.0Gbps, this PHY IP core offers complete compliance with SATA 1.0a and II standards. Its versatility also extends to Serial Attached SCSI (SAS), supporting critical handshake and signaling protocols.

Engineered for scalability, the SATAPhy can be adjusted to support multiple port and lane configurations, optimizing power consumption while maintaining superior performance metrics. This implementation features integrated digital processing, including the out-of-band (OOB) processor and K28.5 COMMA detection associated with SATA link management. The flexibility to scale with evolving storage needs makes this IP an excellent fit for both consumer and enterprise storage solutions.

SATA technology is gaining traction as a preferable storage interface due to its streamlined design, cost-effectiveness, and reliability. As such, Soft Mixed Signal's SATA PHY IP is tailored to bring these benefits to high-demand environments, providing seamless connectivity for data-driven applications ranging from set-top boxes to advanced computing infrastructures.

  • Compliant with SATA 1.0a and II
  • Supports multi-port configurations
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > SATA
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Storage systems
  • Advanced computing infrastructures
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