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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > PCI > SMS PCI-Express PHY IP


From Soft Mixed Signal Corporation


Soft Mixed Signal's PCI-Express PHY IP is a versatile and power-efficient solution designed to meet the standards of the PCI-Express Base Specification Revision 1.0a. This transceiver core is particularly optimized for high-performance and scalable applications, making it ideal for use in enterprise-level networking solutions and other demanding scenarios. It is compliant with the Physical Interface (PHY) for PCI-Express (PIPE) standards, ensuring broad interoperability and reliable performance.

The PCI-Express PHY core achieves high efficiency through a proprietary multi-lane methodology that leverages silicon area vitality, reducing die size the smallest in its class. Such compactness is paired with a unique clock recovery architecture, providing resilience in environments often troubled by electronic noise. The integration of both PMA and PCS layers reflects its robustness, accommodating direct connections to various MAC layers via configurable PIPE interfaces.

Targeting both 180nm and 130nm process nodes initially, this IP offers designers a flexible path towards implementing PCI-Express architecture in their products. The core allows for the incorporation of auxiliary power options, enhancing its applicability in power-conscious systems like multi-port controllers. Together with support for electrical idle detection and embedded error testing, this PHY core ensures data integrity and system reliability across a multitude of applications.

  • Scalable multi-lane architecture
  • Proprietary clock recovery architecture
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > PCI
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Enterprise networking
  • PCI-Express systems
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