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SMS Fully Integrated Gigabit Ethernet & Fibre Channel Transceiver Core

From Soft Mixed Signal Corporation


The fully integrated Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel Transceiver Core by Soft Mixed Signal Corporation is designed to deliver high-performance connectivity for gigabit Ethernet applications. It utilizes advanced very high-speed serial link solutions that are crucial for efficient data transmission in fiber-based networks. This includes a suite of essential blocks such as high-speed drivers, sophisticated PLL architecture, and serializer/deserializer (SERDES) functionalities. The design ensures low jitter and precise comma detection for optimal data alignment, making it a robust choice for gigabit applications.

Notably, the transceiver core supports IEEE 802.3z standards, offering a 1.25 Gigabit/s data rate. The PHY also features a 10-bit interface for seamless data transmission and reception, complementing its inherently full-duplex operation. Critical design elements such as programmable transmit equalization and PECL clock options are integrated, minimizing transmit jitter and distortion. Furthermore, the system's proprietary phase detector technology ensures superior receive jitter performance, enhancing signal reliability even in challenging conditions.

This solution is crafted to be budget-friendly while maintaining low power consumption, owing to its full CMOS implementation. It is compatible with both 75 and 50-ohm terminations, providing flexibility for various deployment scenarios. The inclusion of embedded bit error rate testing further streamlines the evaluation of system performance, ensuring that the design meets rigorous standards for telecommunication applications.

  • High speed drivers
  • Serializer/Deserializer (SERDES)
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Power Management
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Gigabit Ethernet
  • Fibre Channel
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