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SHA-2 Crypto Engine

From Tiempo Secure


Tiempo Secure's SHA-2 Crypto Engine is designed to facilitate robust cryptographic hashing, necessary for ensuring data integrity and authenticity across varied applications. With support for SHA-256 and SHA-224, this crypto engine offers a flexible approach to implementing cryptographic security. It ensures swift processing with its 1 cycle per round architecture, making it suitable for environments where performance and speed are of the essence.

The ability to manage SHA-256 state import and export, alongside granular message length support, makes the SHA-2 Crypto Engine versatile in its application. It seamlessly fits into existing systems via its APB and AXI bus compatibility, enhancing its utility across different platforms. This modularity and adaptability make it stand out, catering to the needs of developers looking to embed reliable cryptographic functionalities without excessive overhead.

Internally, the engine manages padding, accommodating both pre-padded and raw message payloads, which simplifies integration into secure communication workflows. The SHA-2 Crypto Engine is an ideal choice for systems requiring cryptographic resilience, offering a turnkey solution that balances performance and security. Its design supports the development of secure devices in IoT, automotive, and other sectors where data security cannot be compromised.

  • 1 Cycle per Round Architecture
  • SHA-256 and SHA-224 Support
  • APB and AXI Bus Compatibility
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Digital Signatures
  • Secure Communication
  • Data Integrity
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